Saturday, June 10, 2006

Retail Sales Training - How Long is the Line?

One of my pet peeves in a retail store is waiting in line to pay for my purchase, especially if there are several cash lanes that are unattended.

A new drug store was built close to my home a couple of years ago. They installed 4 cash counters which I thought was great. However, it is rare that they have more than one or two people working these cash lanes. Today, for example, at 4:00 P.M. on a Saturday, they had one cash open while the line up continued to build. At one point there were more than 8 people in line waiting to pay for their purchases.

As a I left the store--without making a purchase--I expressed my frustration to the cashier only to be told that they were in the middle of a shift change and if I would just wait a few minutes someone would eventually help me. I took my business to their competiton across the street!

I can accept a line up when all the cash counters are open and I know that scheduling is challenging in retail. However, if this is a reoccurence in your store then you need to take a serious look at it because many people will eventually take their business elsewhere.


Retail Sales Training- The Discounting Game

Listen to this tip here:

Virtually everyone who sells for a living is faced the dilemma of discounting from time-to-time in order to close a deal. However, it is critical to look at this wisely.

I once spoke to retail owner who sold her products at cost to one customer just to prevent him from going to the competition. She mistakenly believed that this person would eventually pay full price for her products down the road. My perspective is that it would be more profitable for her to let that customer go and take his business to the competitor.

A friend of mine was asked to do a presentation for much less than his standard fee. Even though he did not have anything booked on that particular day, and given the short notice, it was unlikely his calendar would fill up on the day in question, he resisted the temptation to discount his fee because he knew the value of his presentation to the company who had contacted him.

You won’t do business with everyone that contacts you. And severe discounting is seldom the best long- term answer. Here is the best rule of thumb to follow: if you don’t feel comfortable with the discount learn to let go of the sale.

If you face constant requests to discount your products or services then you should attend my upcoming tele-seminar series, Negotiate Like a Pro.

This 4-module series offers practical advice that will help you manage these requests much more effectively. You will feel more confident negotiating with price buyers. You will sell your products/services for a higher price. And you will feel better about yourself.

If you want to win more of your negotiations, then check it out right now. This program starts in less than 10 days so you have to act quickly. Don't wait. Register today.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Retail Sales Training - Service is King

You can listen to this tip here...

Some friends of mine are in the process of creating a garden in their backyard so they visited a local garden centre to buy some plants and shrubs. They approached an employee and asked where they could find a particular plant and the employee gestured vaguely to a section of the store. My friend asked about a shrub and received this exasperated reply when the employee noticed her list, “You want me to help you find everything? That will take me all day.” Needless to say, my friends decided NOT to spend their money at the particular store.

They drove a few blocks to a competitor and were greeted by a friendly employee who gave them all the information they needed to make an educated buying decision. Even though the plants were more expensive, they chose to buy everything at this particular store and ended up spending about $2,000.

People in my workshops often believe that price is the primary motivating factor in someone’s buying decision. However, more often than not, it’s the service you, your employees, or your company provides to your customers that influences their decision to buy from you rather a competitor. This is applicable for both retailers and people who sell B2B.
