Saturday, December 09, 2006

Retail Sales Training - Retail Horror Stories

I was reading an article in the local newspaper today about extremely difficult customers that some home builders have faced and some of the stories blew me away.

For example, one new homeowner complained that her floors were discoloring and after some research, the builder discovered that the owner's cat had been urinating on the floor and the lady had been so slow to clean afterwards that the urine was staining the floor.

In another situation, a man complained about leaks from his kitchen counter, which was being flooded with water. Later, he admitted that he cleaned his countertop by tossing bucket of water on it.

These stories got me thinking. I have heard some pretty wild retail-related stories over the years including one about an ex-military person who complained that the corners on the box that contained his VCR weren't sharp and crisp enough so he demanded a replacement. (The company refunded his money and told him buy another brand.)

I have decided to compile some of the wildest retail stories and I need your help.

If you have a story about a nightmare customer, the person from hell, or horrifying experience, I'd love to hear from you. If I use your story in this compilation, I will state your name, store (or company) as well as your URL. Plus, I will send you a free copy of the book when it is completed--I'm not sure if this will be an e-book or paperback yet. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation--that's what editors are for. Send your story to me via email to and please put Horror Story in the subject line. I will also post some of the more entertaining stories on this blog from time-to-time.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Anonymous said...

Contents of this blog are good and appreciative.
Retail training

Anonymous said...
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